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Medical and laboratory glass market research in Russia |
€2000 EUR |
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Total: 107 pages, 53 tables and 14 figures |
Publishing date: |
February 2007 |
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The report is devoted to review of Russian market of medical and laboratory glass. This work is desk study. As information sources, we used data of State Committee on Statistics of Russia (Rosstat), Federal Customs Service of Russia, official domestic railage statistic of JSC RZhD (former Ministry of Railway Transport of Russia), sectoral (industrial) and regional press, data of leading players of glass market, annual and quarterly reports of companies, State Balances of reserves of natural resources of Russia, data from web-sites of company-producers, as well as data infoMine. The report contains 107 pages, including 53 Tables, 14 Figures and 2 Appendices.
The first section presents data on reserves of quartz sands for production of glass, as well as destinations and volumes of supplies of resources to producers medical and laboratory glass.
The second Section is devoted to analysis of production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000–2006, including regional structure of production, as well as volumes of production of leading producers. The section also presents brief description of production technology of medical and laboratory glass, its properties and quality. The Section also describes the main company-producers of medical and laboratory glass, their current standing and projects.
The third Section is devoted to analysis of Russian foreign trade in medical and laboratory glass, including data commodity structure of import, which show considerable predomination of medical glass over laboratory one. The Section also describes current standing of the greatest foreign exporters medical and laboratory glass. The fourth Section is devoted to analysis of prices on medical and laboratory glass at Russian market, including prices of enterprises by now, as well as prices of previous years. Besides, the Section presents export-import prices since 2000.
The fifth Section presents analysis of consumption of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia, including supply-demand balance of the products, sectoral structure of consumption and current standing and prospects of development of the greatest company-consumers of the products.
The sixth, final Section of the report presents forecast of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia.
The Appendix includes addresses and contact information on the main company-producers of medical and laboratory glass in Russia. |
1. Resources base for production of glass in Russia 1.1. Reserves and deposits of quartz glass sands 1.2. Flows and volumes of supplies of resources to producers of medical and laboratory glass
2. Production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006 2.1. Technology of production of medical and laboratory glass and its quality 2.1.1. Production of medical and laboratory glass 2.1.2. Quality of medical and laboratory glass 2.2. Statistics of production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006 2.1.1. Regional structure of production 2.1.2. Data on volumes of production of medical and laboratory glass, broken by individual enterprises 2.2. The main company-producers of medical and laboratory glass, their current standing and projects 2.2.1. JSC «Kurskmedsteklo» 2.2.2. JSC «Bashmedsteklo» (Bashkortostan, Tuimazy) 2.2.3. JSC «Solnechnogorsk glass plant» (Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk) 2.2.4. JSC «Berezichsky glass plant» - JSC «Medsteklotara» (Kaluga region, Kozelsk) 2.2.5. JSC «Medsteklo-Borisovskoe» (Tver’ region, Borisovsky) 2.2.6. Other enterprises 2.3. Forecast of production of medical and laboratory glass in 2007-2010
3. Russian foreign trade in medical and laboratory glass in 2000 - the first half of 2006 3.1. Export of glass 3.1.1. Dynamics of expors in 2000 - the first half of 2006 3.1.2. Regional structure of exports in 2000 - the first half of 2006 3.1.3. Destinations and volumes of supplies of leading exporters in 2004 - the first half of 2006 3.2. Import of glass 3.2.1. Dynamics of imports in 2000 - 1 half of 2006 3.2.2. Regional structure of imports in 2000 - 1 half of 2006 3.2.3. Commodity structure of import 3.2.4. The main suppliers of medical and laboratory glass to Russian market and their current standing 3.2.5. Flows and volumes of supplies of leading importers of medical and laboratory glass in 2004 - 1 half of 2006
4. Review of prices on medical and laboratory glass 4.1. Review of domestic prices 4.2. Review of export-import prices
5. Consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia 5.1. Supply-demand balance of medical and laboratory glass, capacity of Russian market 5.2. Sectoral structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass 5.3. Regional structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass 5.4. Commodity structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass 5.5. The main consumers of medical and laboratory glass in the regions interest
5.6. Current standing of the main consumers of medical and laboratory glass in Russia 5.6. Channels and sales markets of the main domestic and foreign producers of medical and laboratory glass
6. Forecast of development of Russian market of medical and laboratory glass in 2007-2010
Appendix 1: Price-lists of the main Russian producers of glass Appendix 2: Addresses and contact information on the main Russian producers of glass
List of Tables: Table 1. The main Russian deposits of quartz sands, their reserves, degree of development, company-operator Table 2. Mining of glass sands by Russian companies in 1999-2005, kt Table 3. Volumes of consumption of glass sands by the main Russian producers of medical and laboratory glass in 2003-2005, kt Table 4. Volumes of consumption of boric acid by the main Russian producers of medical and laboratory glass in 2003-2005, tonnes Table 5. Composition of chemical-laboratory glasses Table 6. Properties of chemical-laboratory glasses Table 7. Composition of glasses for medical ampoules Table 8. Composition and properties of thermometer glasses Table 9. Chemical composition of medical glass Table 10. Physico-chemical properties of medical glass Table 11. Recommendations on application of medical glass Table 12. Chemical resistance of laboratory glass Table 13. Thermic resistance and average efficient of linear heat expansion of laboratory glass Table 14. Production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006 (by kinds) Table 15. Regional structure of production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006 Table 16. Production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006 (by enterprises) Table 17. Supplies of glass sands to JSC «Kurskmedsteklo» in 2002-2005, tonnes Table 18. The main Russian company-consumers of medical glass of production of JSC «Kurskmedsteklo» in 2004-2005, tonnes Table 19. The main foreign company-consumers of medical glass of production of JSC «Kurskmedsteklo» in 2004-2005, tonnes Table 20. Supplies of glass sands to JSC «Bashmedsteklo» in 2002-2005, tonnes Table 21. Supplies of boric acid to JSC «Bashmedsteklo» in 2002-2005, tonnes Table 22. The main Russian company-consumers of medical glass of production of JSC «Bashmedsteklo» in 2004-2005, tonnes Table 23. The main Russian company-consumers of medical glass of production of JSC «Solstek» in 2004-2005, tonnes Table 24. The main foreign company-consumers of medical glass of production of JSC «Solstek» in 2004-2005, tonnes Table 25. Supplies of glass sands to JSC «Medsteklo-Borisovskoe» in 2002-2005, tonnes Table 26. The main Russian company-consumers of medical glass of production of JSC «Medsteklo-Borisovskoe» in 2004-2005, tonnes Table 27. Volume of export and import of medical and laboratory glass in 2005, tonnes, % Table 28. Volumes of Russian foreign trade in medical and laboratory glass in 2000 - 1 half of 2006, tonnes Table 29. Regional structure of Russian exports of medical and laboratory glass in 2000 - 1 half of 2006 (broken by countries), tonnes, thousand $, $/tonne Table 30. The main Russian exporters of medical and laboratory glass in 2004 - the first half of 2006 (broken by countries), tonnes Table 31. Regional structure of Russian imports of medical and laboratory glass in 2000 - 1 half of 2006 (broken by countries), tonnes, thousand $, $/tonne Table 32. Commodity structure of imports of medical and laboratory glass in 2004 - 1 half of 2006, tonnes, % Table 33. Commodity structure of imports of medical glass in 2004 - 1 half of 2006, tonnes, % Table 34. Commodity structure of imports laboratory glass in 2004 - the first half of 2006, tonnes, % Table 35. The main foreign suppliers of medical and laboratory glass to Russian market in 2004 - 1 half of 2006, tonnes, % Table 36. The main Russian importers of medical and laboratory glass in 2004 - 1 half of 2006, tonnes Table 37. Domestic consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006, tonnes Table 38. Structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2005, tonnes Table 39. Regional structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2005, tonnes, % Table 40. Commodity structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2004-2005, tonnes, % Table 41. The greatest consumers of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2005, tonnes, % Table 42. Volumes of domestic and import supplies of medical and laboratory glass to Russian regions interest in 2005, tonnes Table 43. The greatest consumers of medical and laboratory glass in Russian regions interest in 2005, tonnes Table 44. Regional structure of sales of the main domestic producers of medical and laboratory glass at Russian market in 2005, % Table 45. Sales channels of the main domestic producers of medical and laboratory glass in Russian market in 2005, % Table 46. Regional structure of sales of the main foreign suppliers of medical and laboratory glass in Russian market in 2005, % Table 47. Channels of sales of the main foreign suppliers of medical and laboratory glass in Russian market in 2005, % Table 48. Prices of JSC «Kurskmedsteklo» on medical glass (as of January 2007 ) Table 49. Prices of JSC «BashMedsteklo» on medical glass (as of January 2007 ) Table 50. Prices of Plant «Krasny Oktyabr’» on medical glass (as of January 2007 ) Table 51. Prices of JSC «Medsteklotara» on medical glass (as of January 2007 ) Table 52. Prices of JSC «Solstek» on medical glass (as of January 2007 ) Table 53. Prices of JSC «Khimlaborpribor» on laboratory glass (as of December 2006 )
List of Figures:
Figure 1. Dynamics of production of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006 Figure 2. Dynamics of production of medical glass by JSC «Kurskmedsteklo» in 2000-2006 Figure 3. Dynamics of production of medical glass by JSC «Bashmedsteklo» in 2000-2006 Figure 4. Dynamics of production of medical glass by JSC «Solstek» in 2000-2006, mln pieces Figure 5. Dynamics of production of medical glass by JSC «Medsteklotara» in 2000-2006, mln pieces Figure 6. Dynamics of production of medical glass by JSC «Medsteklo-Borisovskoe» in 2000-2006, mln pieces Figure 7. Dynamics of export supplies of medical and laboratory glass in 2000-2006, tonnes Figure 8. Dynamics of import supplies of medical and laboratory glass in 2000-2006, tonnes Figure 9. Dynamics of average export and import prices on medical and laboratory glass in 2000 - the first half of 2006, USD/tonne Figure 10. Dynamics of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2000-2006, kt Figure 11. Structure of supplies of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2005, % Figure 12. Regional structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2005, % Figure 13. Commodity structure of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2005, % Figure 14. Forecast of consumption of medical and laboratory glass in Russia in 2007-2010, kt |
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